Professor Roy Sandbach aiming to inspire in Newcastle University role

by Iain Laing, The Journal Feb 14 2013

ONE of the most innovative thinkers in Britain has been picked to inspire fresh ideas among the region’s companies as the 10th Goldman Visiting Professor of Enterprise and Innovation.

Left: Professor Roy Sandbach, Professor Savvas Papagiannidis and James Timpson OBE

Professor Roy Sandbach has been developing one of the world’s biggest brands for the last 30 years, and has led global innovation programmes at Procter & Gamble in Newcastle.

He takes over from James Timpson as the latest high-profile figure to be picked by Newcastle University Business School for the role.

“It’s a tremendous honour for me to accept this role. It’s going to be a real vehicle for me to talk to businesses about innovation, drive jobs and help the business leaders and entrepreneurs of the future,” he said.

“More and more students are thinking about setting up companies and I welcome the chance to help drive them through.

“I think the North East is a very creative environment.

“I am full of admiration for those people with new ideas, and hope I can help turn those into real business opportunities.

“It is a particular pleasure for me to be able to do this in my home region, among friends and at the university where I gained my PhD. Most of all, it will be an honour to build on the legacy of David Goldman.”


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