Paul Skinner
I work on changing the stories we live and work by for the better.
Not just the tightly controlled stories of marketing messages but the deeper stories that shape our perceptions, thoughts, intentions and achievements.
I do this through writing books. In 2018 I published my first book Collaborative Advantage: How Collaboration Beats Competition as a Strategy for Success. And in 2022 I published The Purpose Upgrade: Change Your Business to Save the World. Change the World to Save Your Business, which won Highly Commended at the 2023 Business Book Awards.
Through my advisory work I support leaderships teams in raising their ambition for their stakeholders as well as enjoying a greater level of success for their organisations. And when needed I bring together brilliant talent from across my network to support my work.
I also run the MarketingKind membership community to bring together business leaders, marketers and change-makers interested in solving the world's most pressing problems.
Work with me to address your challenges to achieve your own Purpose Upgrade and build Collaborative Advantage with your most important stakeholders.