Upcoming Talk at the Internet Advertising Bureau

I'm looking forward to speaking on Tuesday, June 4th at the Internet Advertising Bureau about my adventures in marketing for good.

The Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) is the leading trade association for online and mobile advertising. It promotes growth and best practice for advertisers, agencies and media owners and has supported the industry from it's birth through years of exponential growth to its current status as a major force in global communications.

I've been asked to address how marketing can be a force for good in better addressing society's problems and to share our story of marketing for good through Pimp My Cause.

In our complex, interconnected world society faces deep challenges. Problems that none of us can solve on our own or within the confines of our own organisations. The realisation that we depend for our success on the active cooperation of a broader society that we can influence but not control puts marketing centre-stage in building the effective solutions we need.

Marketing can be harnessed to drive greater inclusiveness, engagement and participation in civil society and deserves to be developed as a lead discipline in shaping the world around us for the better.

- Paul Skinner


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